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社区大使(CA)是计划和实施外展活动的大学生同伴领袖, act as project leaders for community service events, and provide a voice for commuters. 

住房大使(HA)和学生服务大使(SSA)作为未来和当前俄亥俄学生的支持者发挥着关键作用. The student employees work in a variety of areas, including showing their rooms during on campus event, working the guest desk at the Living Learning Center and Jefferson hall, as well as coordinating multiple on campus events for students.

办公室助理(OA)这个职位帮助住客处理宿舍里的关键问题. 问题可能包括被锁在房间外面,钥匙丢失或钥匙弯曲. 该职位还支持主要的住房和居住生活办公室的项目分配. Outside of the residence hall office hours, if you are having issues gaining access to your room, 生活学习中心(LLC)的欢迎台是寻求帮助的地方. 

住宿顾问(RA)是一名学生工作人员,负责宿舍内的楼层或生活区. As the front-line staff member in the assigned area, RA负责为其居民提供导师和指导,同时促进合作和包容的社区. 这是一个以人为本的职位,期望RA与居民建立关系, encourage participation in the hall community, and inform residents of university and departmental policies. In addition, the RA assists with the personal and academic concerns of students, mediates interpersonal conflicts, and serves as an informational resource for residents.

高级住宿顾问(SRA)和RA一样,是住在宿舍的学生. SRA负责协助综合设施研发局或综合设施研发局向综合设施理事会提供意见, coordinating complex programming efforts, and assists with room changes.

View more information about employment opportunities.

Hall Council

宿舍理事会是学生在他们的住宿社区中变得活跃的一种方式. 在特定的建筑或综合体中,学生的意愿和学生的需求得到了学生委员会的表达. 它可以让你把你周围的社区变成一个更好的生活和学习的地方.

Roles of a Council

本署已检讨及厘清各堂务委员会的角色, three primary roles have been identified. 这些角色直接来自部门目标,下面将简要讨论.

The Council as Advisory Board

与社区的目标和参与的主题直接相关的是评议会作为咨询委员会的角色. In fulfilling this role, 学生会成员对宿舍社区的生活质量负责,并积极参与提高自己和他人的生活质量. 这个角色需要评估和准确地表达需求和关注,并与大厅工作人员一起制定替代解决方案.

The Council's Service Role

Also related to the goal of Community is the council's service role. 参与社区服务教会学生对他们所在的更大的社区负责, and is therefore emphasized by Housing and Residence Life.

而社区服务组织的个别项目当然适合这个角色, 强烈鼓励大厅理事会选择一个组织并发展持续的关系. 敦促理事会利用校园参与中心内的社区服务中心, located in 357 Baker University Center (593-4007).

The Council as Programming Body

与学生发展目标密切相关的是理事会作为规划机构的角色. 尽管他们自己和其他人传统上将他们视为纯粹社会项目的规划者, 大厅委员会有责任在整体模型的每个领域进行规划. Fulfilling this responsibility entails programming in the physical, intellectual, emotional, career, values, cross-cultural and social areas.


NRHH is the National Residence Hall Honorary, 并致力于表彰住在宿舍的学生对社区的杰出贡献.


Activities coordinated by NRHH are Of-The-Month Awards, OU Spirit Paws, and the Spring Leadership Banquet.

Applications and more information is available by emailing


The Residence Hall Association, or RHA, 前身为“居民行动委员会”,成立于1994年. RHA是与校园参与中心一起注册的学生组织,并与住房和居住生活部密切合作.

欢迎所有住在newbb电子平台宿舍的学生加入RHA. Every residential building or complex, totaling 22, 指定一名代表,作为房屋管理局与个别大厅/综合大楼理事会之间的联络人. 这些代表都是参加每周全体会议的学生.

RHA努力通过给予学生积极的声音和改善与newbb电子平台管理部门的关系来团结学生. RHA provides and supports social, cultural, recreational, and educational programming for on-campus students.

Mission Statement

RHA at Ohio University recognizes the desire for advancement of the residential community; therefore, RHA通过在宿舍社区内提供支持和开放的思想论坛,努力通过倡导和规划来激励和参与学生.

Vision Statement

RHA将为大厅理事会及其计划以及由该组织赞助的大型活动指定资金, with potential for co-sponsorship with other organizations. RHA将评估和评估在校学生的需求,成为知情的倡导者. 将进一步强调通过基本建设改善基金改善物质设施. 除了促进参与NACURH,在校园实施新想法,并通过正在进行的项目为社区提供服务外,RHA还将为堂理事会领导人提供积极的培训和领导力发展机会.

If you have questions about the student organization, email

More information is available at OHIO RHA.