物理学教授. 徐熙钟,肖像
DESI results provide precise measurements of universe rate of expansion
An international team co-led by 物理 Professor Hee-Jong Seo traces ripples from relic cosmic sound over 11 billion years of cosmic history with unprecedented precision.

物理 & 天文学部门


newbb电子平台是 被美国大学评为全球最佳大学之一.S. 新闻 & 世界报道, with its physics program among the best in the world. 学生探索昨天, today and tomorrow in search of a deeper understanding of the natural world—from the mysteries of dark matter to the smallest machines possible, from the complexity of life to nature's strongest forces. 

学习物理 & 天文学中!

物理 & 天文学部门 offers five different bachelor’s programs in physics and astrophysics, 包括四个B.S. 学位和一个B.A. 主要的. 该系的研究生课程包括博士学位.D. 获得物理学学士学位和两个硕士学位.


Students studying physics and astronomy at 俄亥俄州 get the experience they need to succeed in careers in science and technology, 商业与工业, government and public affairs—and even careers of the future that don't exist yet.

物理 & 天文学的职业 & 实习 >


saw - wai Hla领导 Named as Finalist for 2024 Falling Walls Prize

Nominated for his ground-breaking research creating the world's first X-ray of a single atom, Dr. saw - wai Hla领导 被提名为久负盛名的 跌落墙科学年度突破奖.

His achievement in the 2024 Physical Science category honors his work as a physicist at newbb电子平台 and the Argonne National Laboratory for "Breaking the Wall of 128 Years of X-ray 历史."

阅读更多关于他的作品: Scientists report world’s first X-ray of a single atom in Nature.

Dr. saw - wai Hla领导

物理 & 天文学事件


8月13日星期二 2024年春季公共望远镜之夜 晚上9时至11时 newbb电子平台天文台

为什么俄亥俄州的物理 & 天文学专业是世界上最好的 


物理 & 天文学部门 at newbb电子平台 provides students — both graduate and undergraduate students — the opportunity to engage in world-class research in areas ranging from nuclear astrophysics to quantum materials.

物理 & 天文学教授已经建立了坚实的基础 研究基础设施 over the years, with strong support from external agencies, averaging $3.每年600万美元.

Each year, faculty publish on average 140 research articles and receive more than 10,000 citations.


这个部门也提供很好的 体验式学习机会和实习机会 for students in bachelor’s physics programs to conduct research, with 90% of physics undergraduate students having done at least one research internship in a faculty member’s lab — outside of ordinary coursework — by the time they graduate.


物理 & 天文学系获颁 第一次米.S. 1912年获得物理学学位,并获得第一个博士学位.D. 1963年获学位. The program maintains a dynamic graduate physics program, offering degrees with emphasis in several different research areas: Astrophysics, 生物物理, 凝聚态物理与表面科学, 纳米科学, 以及核与粒子物理.

提供的学位包括硕士学位.A. 物理学博士.S. 获得物理学博士学位.D. 在物理. Our primary goal at the graduate level is to provide a broad and excellent education in advanced physics and astronomy, which prepares our graduates with the tools to address open problems for the remainder of their careers, gives them training in state-of-the-art techniques and approaches in the discipline, and prepares them to teach physics and astronomy at the university level.


Total graduate student enrollment has averaged approximately 70 students over the last seven years. 我们所有的 Ph.D. 学生有助学金和学费减免吗 up through their fifth year with typically about 30 students supported on Teaching Assistantships during their first one or two years, while the rest are supported on 研究 Assistantships from faculty grants and fellowships.


多年来,我们 alumni have gone on to successful careers in academia, industry, and government, and we continually strive to modernize and adapt to the needs of our students and the discipline. Our graduate program furthers the goals of newbb电子平台 by providing high-quality and distinctive graduate education, closely linked to nationally prominent research efforts.


Observational work by our Astrophysics faculty involves ground- and space-based observations of astronomical objects across a wide range of wavelengths, 詹姆斯·韦伯太空望远镜上的活跃项目, 哈勃太空望远镜, 快速伽马射线暴任务, 钱德拉和XMM x射线天文台, 以及塞罗·托洛洛美洲天文台.

newbb电子平台是 a partner in the MDM 天文台 at Kitt Peak, 亚利桑那州, which provides guaranteed access to research-quality telescopes at one of the best astronomical sites in North America.


该部门维持4级.5MV high-intensity van de Graaff accelerator on campus in the 爱德华兹加速器实验室, a unique and highly productive facility within the state used for low-energy nuclear physics and materials science experiments. It regularly draws users from other universities and national labs.


物理 & 天文学 faculty are highly regarded within their professional areas, receiving many awards and recognitions including being named Fellows of the American Physical Society, receiving National Science Foundation and Department of Energy Early Career 奖, 有了教师, Madappa普拉卡什, 接受美国物理学会汉斯A. 2021年贝斯奖.